7 Simple Ways to Do Your Makeup for Your Boudoir Photoshoot


When it comes to your makeup, majority of us use the same six shades of eyeshadow, and the same highlighter we bought for our cousins wedding eight months ago. To say we are creatures that vary much in our facial routines is a bit of an overstatement. Of course, there are the few that have honed the ability to change up their look and their ritual for it almost weekly. With a new star studded crease line and fancy colors that make our hint of highlighter look boring, these are not the ladies who book a boudoir photoshoot and then worry about how to wear their makeup.

I’m here for the rest of us.

7 Ways to Do Your Makeup for Your Boudoir Photoshoot


  1. The Smoky Eye

    The smoky eye look has been around for quite some time now, and it never ceases to enhance a woman’s vibrant iris colors. Even if you have a more neutral eye color, blue/gray or brown, darkening your upper lid with a complementary color for both your complexion and your eye color can bring out hues in your eyes you may have missed. If applying too much makeup doesn’t feel authentic to you, definitely skip this look. But if drawing attention to your eyelashes gives you a major boost of confidence, then you’ll want to apply those smoke shades to your upper crease.


Example of Smoky Eye Look with brown eyes, and brown hue eye shadow applied both to upper eyelid and lower. Photo by Romina Farías on Unsplash.

Example of Smoky Eye Look with brown eyes, and brown hue eye shadow applied both to upper eyelid and lower. Photo by Romina Farías on Unsplash.


2. Bold Makeup Looks

Using lighting varieties and your own bold colors can give some amazing contrast to not just your skin, but your overall emotion in your desired photos. Imagine if one photo could not just convey your fierce confidence but also your ability to overcome fear and step completely out of your comfort zone. It’s that exact sort of confidence that attracts so many male counterparts to their women. With bold statement makeup you can say that in your boudoir images, without needing to speak at all.


Bold doesn’t always have to be bright. It can simply mean strong contrast, like this black lipstick on her pale skin. Photo by Ksenia Polovodova on Unsplash.

Bold doesn’t always have to be bright. It can simply mean strong contrast, like this black lipstick on her pale skin. Photo by Ksenia Polovodova on Unsplash.


3. Soft Glow Makeup for your Boudoir Photos

Giving yourself a subtle enhancement with your applied makeup is sort of the entire reason to do it. If you aren’t ready for bold statement makeup in your boudoir photos and a smoky eye seems to harsh, a soft glow might be the perfect look. Balancing a natural look with slight enhancements that just help to define your cheekbones, your lips and your eyelids can take some ones breath away.


Adding a soft glow to your skin is as simple as a good contour and neutral and bright highlighters. Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash.

Adding a soft glow to your skin is as simple as a good contour and neutral and bright highlighters. Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash.

4. Medium Coverage Makeup so you look- well, like yourself!

Sometimes less is more. Our partners often say they don’t even notice our blemishes or wrinkles. Things we can spend too much time obsessing about. When they see us they see our natural beauty with and without those things. Not to mention, how sexy will you feel when you realize there was very little done in any of your boudoir photos that changes your face. That smooth complexion, sassy female wonder is you, no doubt about it.


5. Au Natural- for you Boudoir Goddesses

It takes me a lot to simply go to the grocery store without mascara, but there are those of you who are thinking to yourself “I feel the MOST confident without makeup on.” In that case, going as your beautiful blank canvas self is your best bet. No photographer can bring out your authenticity quite as much as you can when you decide that no enhancing makeup or special eyelash treatment will add to your seductiveness. I applaud you and hope your confidence is contagious for all of us woman.


6. Eye Lash Extensions

Somewhat on the opposing side of the natural look is the awe inspiring boldness of eyelash extension. Less a makeup technique and more so a makeup addition, eyelash extensions can bring the Princess out of just about anyone. There of course are things to keep in mind. If you’ve never had extensions before and decide that before your boudoir shoot is the first time you want to try them, definitely give yourself and your eyes time to adjust.


Scheduling your eyelashes to be put on the same day as your boudoir photography shoot is not a very good idea. While lash extensions with a licensed cosmetologist or certified lash specialist are safe, our eyes can have varying reactions to them. The first time I had mine done, my eyes watered a lot more the day I had them, and even for a few days following. I’d say getting them on Monday, while your shoot is scheduled for Friday or Saturday is a safe bet. Be sure to get the lowdown on how to care for them properly before leaving, and how to properly wash any additional makeup off them after your boudoir shoot is finished.


Eyelash extensions can vary depending on what you want done. Most artists have a variety of amounts they can apply and will also tell you what to expect based on your natural lashes. Be sure to get a licensed or certified lash artist to do yours depending on where you are located. Our eyes are important to take proper care of. Photo by Hayley Kim Design on Unsplash.

Eyelash extensions can vary depending on what you want done. Most artists have a variety of amounts they can apply and will also tell you what to expect based on your natural lashes. Be sure to get a licensed or certified lash artist to do yours depending on where you are located. Our eyes are important to take proper care of. Photo by Hayley Kim Design on Unsplash.


7. Glowing or Glittering Finish

Nothing says “Look at me sparkle!” quite as much as a little glitter makeup. These days adding subtle glows and sparkle does not have to be like our junior high roller glitter days. Subtle is the new sexy and does amazing things with a professional photographer who understands lighting. Whether you are applying it to your face, or want to simply add the idea of glitter into your images it’s a sure crowd pleaser that gives off major high self-esteem vibes.


In this image, glitter is used as an overall lighting enhancer and less strictly for makeup. Whether on your eyelids or on your body, a glow like this is sure to turn heads. Photo by Nazar Strutynsky on Unsplash.

In this image, glitter is used as an overall lighting enhancer and less strictly for makeup. Whether on your eyelids or on your body, a glow like this is sure to turn heads. Photo by Nazar Strutynsky on Unsplash.


8. Leave it Up to the Professional

Sometimes we don’t always know the best colors for our complexions, or the best contrast for our lips. And when it comes to doing a boudoir photoshoot, it’s not just any other family photo. This is an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and embrace your inner goddess. A good makeup artist can do more than just set your face aglow. She instills confidence in you as she intensifies your already natural beauty. And she compliments the things you may never have seen as beauty definers. Your high cheekbones go from seeming RBF-esque, to looking like a radiant yet solemn seductive facial feature.

When you are unsure, ask her to explain why she is choosing what she is choosing and also tell her the features you like the most about your face. If you love your lips, tell your artist that. If you’re more of an eyes gal, tell your artist that. They will work within the realm you give them to give you that flawless makeup you only dream about. Then you get to enter your boudoir session with some amazing confidence you may never have created on your own.

So, what are your thoughts? Have idea’s on how you want to do your Makeup for your upcoming boudoir shoot? Going to leave it up to our professional?! Tell us more in the comments!

Love, Anna

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