8 Things You’ll Need for an Outdoor Boudoir Photoshoot in Michigan


Michigan skies, lakes and greenery can create a drool-worthy backdrop for any pictures. Between the Upper Peninsula’s Pictured Rocks, to the Caribbean colored waters of Torch Lake, Michigan Photography can leave little to be desired in crafting a sexy yet classy ambiance.

All the same, if you decide to venture outdoors in Michigan for your boudoir photoshoot, here’s a list of must haves you will not want to be without.

  1. Outdoor Michigan Boudoir Photos Need Privacy

It should go without saying, but we’ll say it anyway…make sure you are somewhere private. And also consider finding somewhere that is privately owned and you have permission from the owner. The last thing you want to ruin your Michigan outdoor boudoir photoshoot is a citation for indecent exposure.
Know someone with a lot of land? Ask them if they would mind you utilizing some of their acreage for a creative outlet? 

2. Beach and Swimsuit if You Don’t Have Privacy

If you can’t go somewhere private, utilizing a swimsuit and a beach on a day that is less-than-sunny could be ideal. Why go on a day that isn’t that sunny? Two reasons: Overcast lighting makes for some amazing moody pictures. And 2nd: you’ll likely have more beach to yourself if you decide to do a beach shoot on a chilly day in September than a 90 degree day in July. 

3. Good Weather [But for a Michigan Photoshoot, be Flexible]

I know we just mentioned overcast is ideal but if you decide to do an outside boudoir shoot in Michigan, of all places, you’ll need to recognize the weather can change on a dime.
With the right attitude and a tried and true professional Michigan made photographer, the weather does NOT have to be a deal breaker.
Just imagine, you are planning on doing an outdoor little red riding hood boudoir photoshoot and it begins to rain. Well, little red riding hood just got a whole lot wetter. With a photographer that is quick thinking, pictures like that could be more hot than the most humid Michigan summer day. 

4. Your Fine Self

Bring your confidence. It takes a bold woman to be willing to strip down to your vulnerability in front of a photographer, but a woman who does it outdoors is a force to be reckoned with. 

You don’t have to feel like your perfect self to get some amazing shots, that’s the photographer’s job. To make you look amazing regardless of lighting, weather, or the like. So bring yourself, your confidence, your ideas and game on. 

5. Sweat Proof Makeup

Sweat proof makeup is a must in Michigan outdoors. And no…you don’t exactly walk into Ulta and see a “sweat proof” section. So here’s the truth: Setting Spray. Setting spray and/or setting powder will do the trick. Waterproof mascara is really great if you are planning for rain or your eyes water when you look into the sun. But bear in mind you’ll need some sort of Oil cleanser to get it off afterwards. Setting spray and setting powder help separate your skin oils from mixing with the makeup on your skin so your makeup doesn’t budge. Sweating or not, it’s not going to move. 

6. Michigan Outdoor Photography requires: Shade! [Harsh sun is not flattering.]


Remember when we talked about overcast weather being a good thing? Same with a shaded area. It may seem like all the model-esque photos are in full sun and bright as ever but it’s more likely that they are simply shot to look that way and the sunshine you see is added during editing. 

Bright sun in moody boudoir style photos is not flattering. Same as fluorescent lighting, or basically anything that is going to cast a lot of shadows. Do yourself and your photographer a favor and pick a spot in Michigan that has both well lit areas and shade. If she’s as good as she should be, she’ll know what to do. 


7. Bug Spray

Being outdoors in Michigan during any of the warm months means sharing the air with the mosquitoes, moths and other biting insects. Luckily no one will know you were doused in bug spray prior to your photoshoot by simply looking at a picture. But if you aren’t taking bug biting precautions, you’ll be able to tell by the time it’s all over. Mosquitoes like warm areas, and if you are down to just your bra and panties you can only imagine where the warmest area on your body might be. 

If bug spray makes you want to gag, you can always try those simple mosquito repellent bracelets, or the new outdoor diffusers, Thermacell has created one. But even using an essential oil one, diffusing Clove may do the trick. 

8. Shoes


Winter, spring, summer, fall…you’ll want shoes for all. Michigan weather and terrain can make for gorgeous photography stills, and beauty. If your photographer needs you to remove your shoes for specific shots, she will tell you. But otherwise you’re going to want shoes to walk around outdoors anywhere you are going. From pine needles, to picker bushes. Or even some snow and ice if you are super daring, shoes are a must have.

changing beauty standards

Holly, MI



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